🧑Inviting Members

Get help with your parking operations by hiring parking attendants, enforcement officers, guest users and more.

PayParking tip: Inviting members to your dashboard is easy. Members are invited based on permission role

As a Guest User

Go to the Admin, and choose the listing you want to add a guest user. Click the Permissions tab and enter their information in the form, choosing the permission role as Guest. They'll be sent an email notification with next steps to create a PayParking account.

As an Employee

Go to the Admin, and choose the listing you want to add an employee. Click the Permissions tab and enter their information in the form, choosing the permission role as Employee. They'll be sent an email notification with next steps to create a PayParking account.

As an Admin

Go to the Admin, and choose the listing you want to add an employee. Click the Permissions tab and enter their information in the form, choosing the permission role as Admin. They'll be sent an email notification with next steps to create a PayParking account.

Last updated