Our Features

See why your space may be worth more than you think. Dynamic pricing allows you to adjust cost based on local supply and demand or surges in traffic during seasonal events

PayParking tip: Streamline getting started with your first listing with tips provided below

Create a listing

Go to the Admin to create your first listing. Choose to limit max parking durations, short or long term leasing options, operating hours, permissions, daily max cost to customer, rate breaks, and much more.

Share photos

Add photos that show off your space. Select amenities your customers will enjoy including a paved space, covered or sun-protected spot, overnight parking, and long term monthly leasing options.

Enforce (optional)

Use the enforcement dashboard to issue citations or warnings through text messaging, track expirations, search reservations, generate reports, monitor zone traffic and vacancy levels

Send notifications

Send notifications to tenants that have a parked car that is expired, or subject to any other parking violation. You can send a direct link through SMS text that provides the fastest and easiest way to collect payment

Dynamic pricing

Administrators can setup standard flat rate pricing or create custom rate break schedules that increase or decrease in price with reservation time. Custom rate breaks can be powerful, and enable administrators the ability to provide maximum daily cap pricing, reduction in prices with time, or increase in prices with time.

Price schedules that increase with time creates an incentive for in-and-out commuters, increasing through traffic for increased economic activity in large metropolitan areas (it creates a lack of incentive for remaining parked for long periods of time). By contrast, price schedules that decrease with time provides an incentive in the form of a discount for commuters that choose your parking spot over others.

Revenue metrics

Monitor real-time data analytics by geographic location, access revenue heat maps, receive transactional data over time, and generate reports

Last updated